Allama Iqbal Thematic

Sunday, November 24, 2024

 Prize Distribution Ceremony - 2024
Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24
Life Time Achievement Award 2024

Allama Iqbal Stamps Society organized Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24 for the promotion of Iqbal's thought and appreciation for the writers of literature of Iqbal Studies. This competition is the first ever which organized by any non-government level. The competition was announced in August 2024. We received 20 books which was a good response as usual. 18 books received in Urdu, 1 book in Khowar and 1 book in Puthohari languages. So, two categories defined for two different categories, one in national language and one for local areas' languages. The detail of the books which received to Allama Iqbal Stamps Society is following:
تفہیماتِ ارمغانِ حجاز: مطالب و شرح از حمیرا جمیل
تفہیماتِ زبورِ عجم: مطالب و شرح از حمیرا جمیل
اقبال: نقش ہائے ہفت رنگ از ڈاکٹر وحیدالزماں طارق
خوشبوئے اقبال از ڈاکٹر ہارون الرشید تبسم
آسٹریلیا میں اقبالیات کی خشتِ اول از افضل رضوی ۔ عزیزالرحمٰن
فیضانِ فکرِ اقبال از طالب حسین ہاشمی
اسپین: اقبال کا دوسرا خواب از ڈاکٹر عابد شیروانی
محمد سے وفا از ڈاکٹر عابد شیروانی
تبلیغِ اقبال: افسانے از منیبہ مختار اعوان
اِک خوش نوا فقیر از تسنیم جعفری
اقبال' جناح اور تحریکِ پاکستان از ابو جنید عنایت علی
اقبال نیں شاہین از راشد عباسی
علامہ اقبال کی شاعری میں تصورِ دُعا از ڈاکٹر طیب نواز
تصوراتِ اقبال از ڈاکٹر تحسین بی بی
پرواز: ماورائے زمان و مکان علامہ اقبال سے ایک ملاقات کا حال از عتیق واصل
مبادیات: علوم و فنون از مولانا ڈاکٹر حشمت علی صافی
میرا اقبال از ڈاکٹر رحمت عزیز چترالی
عقیدہ ختمِ نبوت: علامہ اقبال اور ردِ قادیانیت از ڈاکٹر محمد ظفر اقبال نوری
سخن اقبال از ڈاکٹر روزینہ انجم نقوی
اسرارِ خودی: تاریخی ارتقاء از ڈاکٹر روزینہ انجم نقوی
First time in the history of Iqbal Kitab Award, the research thesis on Iqbal Studies were also included for the appreciation of research scholars. Three thesis received, two for MPhil Urdu and one for MPhil Persian, the detail is following:
  کلامِ اقبال (اُردو' فارسی) میں خواتین کے کردار: تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ از لبنیٰ علی
بزمِ اقبال کی خدمات بسلسلہ اقبالیات: مطبوعہ کتب کی روشنی میں از نازش فرح
اقبال و تاریخچہ تمایلات تحقیقی: تحلیل و بررسی سھم گروہ ھای فارسی دانشگاہ ھای پاکستان  (۱۹۴۷م ۔ ۲۰۲۰م)  از مجاھدہ زینب
Two books got Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24. In Urdu category, the book "اقبال: نقش ہائے ہفت رنگ" by Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman Tariq and for local languages, in Khowar, the book "میرا اقبال" by Dr. Rehmat Aziz Chitrali got Iqbal Kitab Award. The special award was awarded to Lt. Col. (R) Muhammad Mohsin on the re-print of Allama Iqbal's book "Asrar-o-Ramuz" with Urdu translation. The four judges of the competition were Dr. Saima Iram, Dr. Babar Naseem Aasi, Dr. Azmat Rubab and Dr. Almas Khannum.
The prize distribution ceremony was held at Dabistan-i-Iqbal, Lahore which sponsored by Berger Paints Pakistan Limited on November 23, 2024. The honourable chief guest was Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan. Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Sana Khalid hosted the event. Mujtaba Khalid and Muhammad Najaf Sharif Qadri recited the Kalam-i-Iqbal. Hafiza Ayesha Saddiqa presented the 6 years history of Iqbal Kitab Award as a presentation. She also printed the history of Iqbal Kitab Award which distributed among the participants.
On this occasion, Allama Iqbal Stamps Society announced "Life Time Achievement". This award is the first ever award which introduced by any organization or society in Iqbaliyat. This year's award was awarded to Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman Tariq.

Organized by: Allama Iqbal Stamps Society
Collaboration with: Berger Paints Pakistan Limited and Dabistan-i-Iqbal, Lahore.

Mian Sajid Ali, Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, The Organizer.

The Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan is addressing.

The Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan and Mian Sajid Ali awarded to Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24 to Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman Tariq for his book, "Iqbal: Naqsh Hayee Haft Rang" in national language, Urdu.

The Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan and Mian Sajid Ali awarded to Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24 to Dr. Rehmat Aziz Chitrali for his book, "Mera Iqbal" in local languages, Khowar.

Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman Tariq is addressing.

Dr. Rehmat Aziz Chitrali is addressing.

Abu Junaid Inayat Ali is receiving his certificate for Iqbal Kitab Award.

Humaira Jamil is receiving her certificate for Iqbal Kitab Award at Alhamra Hall, Lahore when she came from Sialkot on February 17, 2025.

Nazish Farah is receiving her certificate for Iqbal Kitab Award.

Lubna Ali is receiving her certificate for Iqbal Kitab Award.

Lt. Col. (R) Muhammad Mohsin is receiving special award.

Dr. Saima Iram, The Judge, is addressing.

Dr. Babar Naseem Aasi, The Judge, is addressing.

Dr. Azmat Rubab, The Judge, is addressing.

Dr. Almas Khannum, The Judge, is addressing.

Lt. Col. (R) Muhammad Mohsin is addressing.

Mian Sajid Ali is addressing, the organizer.

Muhammad Najaf Sharif Qadri is reciting Kalam-i-Iqbal.

Mujtaba Khalid is reciting Kalam-i-Iqbal.

Hafiza Ayesha Saddiqa is highlighting the history of Iqbal Kitab Award.

Sana Khalid is hosting the event, Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24.

The Hosts - Sana Khalid and Mian Sajid Ali.

Mian Sajid Ali is welcoming to the participants.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a souvenir shield to Dr. Saima Iram for her services as a judge in Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a souvenir shield to Dr. Babar Naseem Aasi for his services as a judge in Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a souvenir shield to Dr. Azmat Rubab for her services as a judge in Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a souvenir shield to Dr. Almas Khannum for her services as a judge in Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a souvenir shield to Hafiza Ayesha Saddiqa for presenting history of Iqbal Kitab Award year by year.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a souvenir shield to Sana Khalid for hosting the event, Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a souvenir shield to Muhammad Najaf Sharif Qadri for reciting Kalam-i-Iqbal.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a souvenir shield to Mujtaba Khalid for reciting Kalam-i-Iqbal.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a book to Saira Yousaf, She is the research scholar for MPhil Urdu and will work on Allama Iqbal Stamps Society's role in promotion of Iqbaliyat.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting souvenir shield to Mian Muhammad Ali on behalf of Berger Paints Pakistan Limited.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting souvenir shield to Mian Ahmed Ali on behalf of Allama Iqbal Stamps Society.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting souvenir shield to Bilal on behalf of Dabistan-i-Iqbal.

The Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali and Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan are presenting a souvenir shield to Mirza Usman Baig for his services to capture the event.

The Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan.

Mian Sajid Ali, Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society is presenting a souvenir shield to Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan. He was the Chief Guest of the event, Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24.

Mian Sajid Ali is presenting a gift to Sani-e-Zahra, she recited verse of Kalam-i-Iqbal.

Mian Sajid Ali is presenting his book to Husnain Haider.

Mian Sajid Ali, Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society and Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan, the Chief Guest are presenting Life Time Achievement Award to Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman Tariq for his services to promote Allama Iqbal's thoughts.

Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman Tariq received Life Time Achievement Award and got Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24. He got two medals which awarded by Allama Iqbal Stamps Society. The Chief Guest, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan and Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society, Mian Sajid Ali both are standing with recipient of both awards.

Mian Sajid Ali, Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society and Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan, Chief Guest are presenting a gift hamper which presented to Berger Paints Pakistan Limited to Abdul Mateen Akhundzada.

Mian Sajid Ali, Chairman - Allama Iqbal Stamps Society and Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan, Chief Guest are presenting a gift hamper which presented to Berger Paints Pakistan Limited to Dr. Rehmat Aziz Chitrali.

From L to R - Sana Khalid, Mian Sajid Ali, Dr. Babar Naseem Aasi, Dr. Saima Iram, Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman Tariq, Dr. Azmat Rubab, Dr. Almas Khannum, in back row, Major (R) Tariq Amin and Mustehsan Rizvi.

From L to R - Lt. Col. (R) Muhammad Mohsin, Dr. Babar Naseem Aasi, Major (R) Tariq Amin, Rana Ijaz Hussain, Brig. (R) Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman Tariq, Abu Junaid Inayat Ali, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan, in back row, Mustehsan Rizvi, Mian Sajid Ali, Abdul Mateen Akhundzada and Dr. Rehmat Aziz Chitrali.

From L to R - Dr. Faiza, Sana Khalid, Dr. Saima Iram, Mian Sajid Ali, Sani-e-Zahra (child), Saira Sajid, Dr. Azmat Rubab, Dr. Almas Khannum, in back row, Sumaira Mujtaba, Nazish Farah, Lubna Ali and Saira Yousaf.

From L to R - Mujtaba Khalid, Dr. Babar Naseem Aasi, Mian Sajid Ali, Muhammad Najaf Sharif Qadri, Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman Tariq, Major (R) Tariq Amin, Mustehsan Rizvi, and Mr. Basit in back row.

From L to R - Dr. Faiza, Dr. Almas Khannum, Dr. Saima Iram, Dr. Azmat Rubab, Mian Sajid Ali and Sana Khalid.

From L to R - Hafiza Ayesha Saddiqa, Dr. Azmat Rubab, Dr. Babar Naseem Aasi, Mian Sajid Ali, Dr. Saima Iram and Dr. Almas Khannum.

From L to R - Hafiza Ayesha Saddiqa, Mian Sajid Ali, Dr. Muhammad Arif Khan, Sana Khalid, in back row, Mujtaba Khalid and Muhammad Najaf Sharif Qadri.

Nazish Farah and Lubna Ali with Mian Sajid Ali, the both are research scholars. Their two research thesis were received for Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24.

Sana Khalid and Mian Sajid Ali, the hosts of Iqbal Kitab Award 2023-24.

Husnain Haider is presenting his research thesis to Mian Sajid Ali. He mentioned Mian Sajid Ali's name with thanks for helping material in its preparation in his research thesis. This research thesis will be include in next year's Iqbal Kitab Award 2024-25.